Aseptic Packaging of Food

In the world of food packaging, aseptic packaging of food stands out as a revolutionary technique that ensures both the safety and quality of perishable products. With a combination of advanced technology and stringent manufacturing processes, aseptic packaging of food has become an integral part of the food industry globally. What is Aseptic Packaging of…

Next best plant-based ingredient of focus for processed food

Next best plant-based ingredient of focus for processed food

In recent time there is a great awareness among consumers on use of plants-based foods that provide both health and environmental benefits as health is a primary driver of choosing plant based foods. The delivery of protein through plant-based sources remains a primary focus for both consumers and the food industry .Food manufacturers are investing…

NOVA classification system of Food

NOVA classification system of Food

Despite the advantages that the current food processing technology provides to consumers, certain health professionals and digital influencers argue that the consumption of processed foods may result in little nutritional benefit and significant harm to one’s health. A recently introduced categorization system, called NOVA, has categorized foods into four distinct groups based on the extent…

Alternative Protein Sources

Alternative Protein Sources, Uses and Challenges

Alternative Protein are extremely important for food processing and new innovations. Today we will be discussing that What are Alternative Proteins and why there is so much focus on this topic among food industry these days. The research and focus on Alternative protein sources, uses and challenges in food processing is at peak these days…

20 Fruits and Vegetables high in Vitamin C

What is High Pressure Food Processing! Benefits and Limitations

Today, our topic of discussion is High Pressure Processing (HPP), a contemporary food processing technique. We will explore the meaning of High Pressure food processing, its various applications, as well as its advantages and limitations. Presently, the dehydration of juices and vegetables using traditional heat treatment process results in the loss of volatiles during processing,…

Hand Washing Requirements for Food Processing-Personal Hygiene

Hand Washing Requirements for Food Processing-Personal Hygiene

Hand Washing  is one of the most effective and fundamental way to prevent the spread of germs. Today we will be discussing about personal Hygiene and hand washing requirements for food processing. Personal Hygiene is one of the mandatory requirement of Good Manufacturing Practices. Hand Washing practices must be implemented on all the personnel entering…


What are POTATOES, Introduction , Impact of Sugar, Defects

Here we will be discussing what are potatoes, their basic introduction and how to deal with the potatoes before processing. The potato is not a root but an underground stem. As such, it contains most of the elements of an above ground stem, including: As long as the potato is intact, it is still a…

Dough Quality Analysis

Dough Quality Analysis

Several tests evaluate dough and gluten strength properties. The farinograph and mixograph tests measure the resistance of dough to mixing. The extensigraph test measures the resistance of dough to stretching. The alveograph test measures the resistance of a bubble of dough to expansion. Dough Quality Analysis plays vital role in ensuring overall quality of the…

Types of Emulsifying Agents and Their Impacts on Food Processing

Emulsifying agents are very important substance that helps an emulsion to become more stable. They are added to an emulsion to prevent the coalescence of the globules of the dispersed phase. There are many types of emulsifying agents and their impacts on food processing is also different. What is an Emulsion: An emulsion is usually…